3D Modelling

All our design- and engineering services are based on 3D modelling. We mainly use 4 applications in our work.

Aveva E3D
We use Aveva E3D in all our Disciplines.
Through our work as a supplier to projects like topside modules with the responsibility for the engineering and design of large modules, we have gained valuable experience and expertise within Aveva E3D Design applications. Our culture of training and information sharing is valuable for our organization and for our Clients.

Bentley (Connect Edition)
We use Bentley in all our Disciplines.
For mechanical, pipe support, safety, and piping & layout design disciplines, our preferred CAD-software is Bentley OpenPlant Modeler Connect Series. We perform 3D modelling and extraction of isometric drawings, stress isometrics and other drawing production.
The electro instrumentation and telecom (EIT) discipline use Bentley Raceway and Cable management for 3D modelling and drawing production.
For our structure engineering discipline, we use Bentley ProSteel.
All information is part of the 3D model, and drawings are a direct reflection of the model.

Solidworks and Onshape
In mechanical engineering design SolidWorks is the main CAD tool. We use the cloud-based PDM system “3D Experience”, for storage and handling of all cad-data. We also use Onshape (a cloud-based CAD system).

Models and drawings can be exported into almost any format. For evaluation of design, we mainly generate Autodesk NavisWorks models that are easily shared with all parties involved.

We can export models and drawings into most formats.

3D modelling

We include

  • Main and secondary steel
  • Outfitting steel
  • Piping and mechanical equipment
  • EIT cable trays
  • Access ways and material handling volumes

We use

  • DNVGL standards
  • ABS standards
  • NORSOK standards
  • Eurocode standards
  • IGC code
  • API

Would you like to learn more about 3D Modelling?

Some of our 3D Modelling Related References